Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration is a legal approval to the representation/sign of business/public brand that you can use to represent your products/services/objectives, etc. This registration gives the exclusive ownership right to you for the use of your brand symbol/logo. Our agency provides 100% guaranteed and risk free Trademark Registration Package where you can get quick approval of your Trademark. Go through its details and know how it works THE BEST.

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What is Trademark ?

Your Business or Profession gets its distinct legal recognition to gain more prospects, once you register for its trademark from Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of India. Trademark is the first and most important constituent that gives you your exclusive commercial identity in the market and plays vital role to gain popularity, goodwill and exposure. So, a meaningful, unique and attractive choice of trademark should definitely be included in your business launch/promotion plan. Certain features are important for you to know how you can make your ideal Trademark:

Unique and Meaningful:

If your proposed trademark is similar as any already existing registered trademarks then it cannot be registered. So, you’re to make a unique trademark to publicly display/promote your business/profession. Also, customers/clients should easily understand your business/profession type from its layout. Thus, make a meaningful trademark. To specifically match it for your business, there are number of ways by which you can design your exclusive Trademark:

  • Name: Used to signify you/your brand/profession/business with your/any related individual’s name
  • Meaningful/Special Word/Phrase/Combination of Words and Numbers: Used to highlight/popularize/attract your brand/profession/business
  • Image/Graphic/Colour: Used to signify/popularize your brand/profession/business
  • Sound Clip: Used to signify/popularize your brand/profession/business

Legal Obligations. Trademarks give you certain legal rights/liabilities:

  • In case, you find any other entity using your registered trademark/mimicking it without your sanction, you can put legal charge against that unit as per Trademark Act, 1999.
  • You’ll receive ‘TM’ sign to use in your trademark within 3 days.
  • It’ll take 2 years to receive the ‘R’ symbol to use with your trademark
  • Trademark Registration is valid for 10 years, after expiring this time period, you could renew your trademark registration by filing a trademark renewal application for a time of next 10 years.
  • You’re eligible to get your own registered trademark, if you’re a Private Firm, Individual, Company (LLP, Partnership, OPC, Private Limited, Public, etc.), NGOs and even a foreign unit.

Here, we will help you to do the registration of the trademark for your company.

Benefits Of Trademark Registration

  • A well planned trademark establishes your unique commercial identity in the trade sector and gives you good exposure.
  • Registered Trademark of your business/profession provides you legal right of its use and strictly reserves it. You get the right to use it in your marketed products, business assets, business accessories, advertisements, etc.
  • Ensures trust, safety, quality, and goodwill in the mind of your customers.
  • Permit to use anywhere (in India or abroad)/any visual/audio media channel for business/professional purpose/publicity.
  • Registered trademark is a mandatory asset (Comes under Intellectual Property Rights) of your commercial promotion/publicity campaign. In fact, theme of your registered trademark is the foundation to plan your office space design/decoration, your office stationery/accessory/furnishing layout, your communication layout, etc.

Required Documentation For Trademark Registration

  • Authorization Letter properly signed by the authorized person permitting us to do the Trademark Registration on your behalf
  • User Affidavit, if particular user data is claimed
  • Applicant details, such as, Name, Business type, Business objective, etc.
  • ID Proof and Address Proof of applicant (owner/directors(s)/partner(s)/individual)
  • Logo/Brand Name file (with Tagline, if any)
  • Scanned copy of Certificate of Incorporation (in case, other than Individual applicant)
  • MSME Certificate/Start-up recognition
  • Proof of TM use
  • Signed Form TM – 48.

Our Package Is Offering You:

ESIC Package Offer


STEP–1) Collecting Clients’ Information and Documents

Provide us all the documents as mentioned above required for Trademark registration and the relevant information. We’ll be working based on the documents and information you provide to get your trademark registered.

STEP–2) Confirming Unique Trademark

We’ll conduct a thorough trademark search and check to ensure that the trademark logo and brand name that you’ve provided is not matching with any already registered trademark. We’ll present you with our update before placing the Trademark registration application on your behalf so that you do not face any hurdle during official verification done to check the uniqueness of your trademark. It is a compulsory part in the trademark registration process

STEP–4) Right Class Selection

Based on your business type, we’ll be selecting your right class from the classification of 45 available sectors as specified by the Trademark Registry where you can use your trademark to sell your products/services

STEP–5) Trademark Registration Application

Once we confirm that your trademark is unique and can be registered, we’ll prepare your Trademark Application in correct format to get it approved by the concerned office. We need your authorization letter so that we can process the application on your behalf and get it done safely. Once the application is approved, you’ll receive your TM number.

STEP–6) Registration Complete

Congratulations!! Once you receive your TM number, your trademark will receive its ‘R’ (registered sign) in 1.5 to 2 years, the legal registered tag for your trademark, your unique commercial identity.

Section 12A And 80G Package offer

FAQs of Trademark registration

Trademark is a term used to describe the visual representation of protecting a name, logo, device, color, or anything that individuals use on their services and goods.

There are 45 classes of products and services in the trademark registry, that you can use to protect your product under any one or all of the 45 classes.

The validity of a trademark is 10 years from the date of application.

Yes. You can use the ® symbol for your registered trademark. If you do it falsely then it will be an offence and you will be imposed a penalty.

“PRAS” directs to the pre-registration amendment section. Any revision which has been filed prior to registration such as amendment of proprietor details, address, specification of goods, etc. is traded under PRAS Section.

If there are such errors regarding data entry of applications that are required to be rectified, then the application is delivered to EDP Section and the status is displayed as "Send Back to EDP". This may be too in cases where the documents are not digitized correctly.

The registration process of a trademark usually takes about 18 to 24 months to be completed without any objection or forwarding the application ahead, However, the application number is issued within 2 to 3 days after filing the application.

Having a similar trademark can not be in word to word but if it’s the case then you will need a unique logo including your business name.

If your trademark is similar to any other trademark or against any religious sentiments or any geographical names and words.

The government fee for trademark registration is Rs.9000 per application for a company.

Start my registration
2,499 + GST * ()
*limited time period only.

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 I have been dealing with Myitronline and Gopal Varshney for over a decade now. The firm is highly professional, prompt, efficient and courteous. Its been a pleasure dealing with Gopal and I would highly recommend his services. Keep up the great work !!
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